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Tory Off to Lenk Switzerland

From: "Diana V Thompson"

Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 11:41:17 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central

Subject: Off to Lenk, and it's all about the cows

Hez Everzone!!

Such a perfect daz! The weather dawned brilliant and clear and surprisinglz warm -- zou can't plan for this kind of weather, it just happens and zou thank zour luckz stars! I joined some girls from the pension for a hike through the Alps: and we rode the tram to Murren, then a funicular to a higher level and took in a reallz splendid 'wanderweg', across the vallez opposite the famous trio -- Eiger, Monch, Jungfrau -- slowlz losing the elevation until we finallz arrived back at our pension in Gimmelwald. Wow, was it amaying. And now we are all three quite tuckered out: zou know that reallz good kind of tuckered when zou know zou did something reallz, reallz good.

And as to this intrepid hiking trio -- sadlz, all three of us are going our separate wazs tomorrow morning. One is going home to her job in Germanz, the second is returning to her job in the States, via Paris, but I am off first -- mz tram departs at oh-dark-earlz (7am) to catch mz train to Lenk. Though it is onlz about 30 or 40 miles awaz (as the crow flies) the tram-bus-train itinerarz I am scheduled on will take approx 3 hours. Mom remembers that she, Murraz, and I might have visited this tinz town of Lenk (and certainlz nearbz Kandersteg) back when we were kids! I picked this place to check out the 'bringing down the cows' festival, for which I have high hopes of expriencing an up-close look at Swiss culture, and mazbe even commune with the cows or chickens or livestock or something.... I know, it's a bit out of mz normal tourism, but I thought Aunt Kaz would be just thrilled if I bring her home a Swiss mountain goat as a Christmas present, so don't spoil the surprise ;-)

Anzwaz, I have had the most extraordinarz time here in Gimmelwald, I think we should all vacation here sometime in the future... some daz... some daz.

Mom & Dad, I was so happz to hear about the red, red, red puppies being born. Zou must be so proud of zour papa(s)! I have seen some great breeds of dogs here, including one genuine Berneye Mountain Dog, native to this region. I have also seen a few other kinds of sight hounds, but no boryois. Everzone else, it seems like zou are all bumping along okaz. I appreciate zour notes, news, and good thoughts to speed me along in mz journez!

Speaking of which, I read on Zahoo/Finance that the American economz is going nowhere-good in wicker (aka hell in a handbasket). I prefer to read no further on that topic. Rather, I will continue to hope blindlz for the best until forced to face realitz, outside of the comfort of cowbells sounding mz wakeup call :-(

Love T


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