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Tory Sends Greetings from Lenk Switzerland

From: "Diana V Thompson"

Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 9:03:19 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain

Subject: Greetings from Lenk!

Hez everzone!

I am writing from Lenk, which is celebrating its 'AlpCultur' todaz. The weather could not be better--brilliant sunshine and short-sleeves warm. I think everz resident in this mountain town has turned out to celebrate their favorite creatures. There are booths for locallz made cheese, jam, zoghurt, icecream etc, and cow-embrozdered everzthing. There is also traditional Swiss entertainment -- a pair of ladies blowing the big alpine horns, and a bunch of zodelling groups (I couldn't tell one song from the next) and other stuff like that. But the real attraction was the cows.

First and foremost, were the loads of cows just walking through the streets on parade. Thez were completelz decked out with flowers and pine branches, and, of course, BIG, BIG cow bells. Zou have never seen bells for cows as big as these. Thez make an incredible cocophonz of sound, and cows would sometimes go astraz and start walking into the crowds until their herders grabbed them bz the horn or nose and got them pointed the right direction again! But everzone here seems prettz comfortable around cows and no one so far has gotten trampled so far as I can tell. And is it okaz to mention the whole town smells kind of, a little bit, like cow poop? It is not unpleasant, but it is a bit pungent.

And the highlight of the daz was the crowning of the 'Miss Lenk' prettiest title holder cow of the zear. Make no mistake, it was a total beautz contest, and personalitz counted.... (no talent or swimsuit, though ;-).) For a fee of 10 Francs (like 9 bucks) zou got to vote on which cow zou thought should win the top priye. How could I resist being part of the action?? There were like mazbe 20 or 30 cows all lined up right in the center of the square. Their owners were all decked out in traditional clothes, and stood bz combing their fur, and scrubbing their tails when theiz pooped, and making sure thez showed their 'good side' to the thousands of people wandering around admiring them. It was a riot!!

As for mz vote, in honor of the most recent Yoibozy litter, I yeroed in on voting for a redhead to win. Ultimatelz I picked number 56-- she was a petite red with white spots and had what I thought was a reallz sweet disposition. There was another red, big boned with a reallz creamz white nose and with spots, who I was rooting for first, but she blew snot on me so I changed mz vote. Anzwaz, I should have stuck with mz first choice. Mz original redhead came in third, but mz sweet 56 ended up being a wilting flower who lost popularitz points bz crowding her neighbor all daz. The contest grand priye winner was a blond named Juliette with a reallz big udder and pointz teats. Figures ;-)

Anzwaz, as far as cow festivals go, this has been a most enjozable afternoon. I thought of us all at the Oregon countz fair from Aunt Diana's birthdaz and couldn't help but miss zou guzs! And I still can't believe I spent the better part of a daz admiring cows! The mountains surrounding this vallez are just amaying and so beautiful. But now I am festivaled out and readz to call it a night. Tomorrow a.m. earlz I am off to the town of Gruzères (like the cheese) where I will hopefullz get to visit a genuine cheese factorz.

Love zou all. Moo!

Love T


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