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Tory in Paris--and Close to Coming Home

From: "Diana V Thompson"

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 12:53:52 PM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain

Subject: In Paris, at last!

Hey everyone! Thank you so much to Nikole for spreading the word yesterday that I was safe and sound!!

I was battling with a combination of switching from a German speaking Canton to a French speaking Canton in the course of the 2 hour commute between Lenk and Greuyer and the fact it was a Sunday afternoon (everything was closed) and the only internet cafe mentioned in my guidebook was out of business ages ago. Plus, the whole time, I needed to pee like you can't imagine.

Ever have one of those days? :-)

Nikole is very generous in saying that I sounded good -- or even SANE! But I surely do appreciate you spreading the word, Nikole, that I was alive and well. I got a great night's sleep, and the exercise did me good, working off the lunch I had (a cheeseburger, natch) at the cheese factory. I have pics. It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be, watching curd separate from whey, but what the hey.

This morning I had my noon TGV train to Paris. I arrived at 5 but by 6pm I was still at the train station trying to figure out which of the 3 possible metro / local train routes was the best for reaching my hostel right behind Sacre Creur, a route I thought I had ironed out weeks before I even left! I am not setting any land speed records over here.

I finally reached the hostel to discover they'd lost my reservation. After about half an hour, they were able to put me up in a nearby affiliated 2 Star (with attached hostel rooms) at Hotel LeRegent Montmartre Hotel ( in room 41 with a total stranger -- a guy, whom I do not know, but who seems nice and somewhat like not an axe murderer or anything. I paid with my credit card and told him that I was emailing my family so if anything happens to me, you can unwind starting with that. The poor guy seems as worried about me as I am about him... But since we would have been in the same dorm room together anyway had the hostel gotten us both in, I suppose we are both okay. However, I did make a separate appeal with the receptionist guy while my roomie was away just to make sure I had someone who had my back. That and I have a wakeup call at 530am for my 11am flight, so this guy is getting a crappy night's sleep, regardless!

But despite the drama, it sure does feel WONDERFUL being back in Paris. It seems like I am only ever here for a few hours at a time and it is such an exciting place! I wish I had time to see the cathedral and to wander around and get lost, but I am tuckered and will have to save it for another time. I will email tomorrow a.m. before my flight and let you know I am safe and secure :-)

Love T


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