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The rest of us - Not in Paris

Tori's adventures sure are engaging to read about. I like her recount of the Paris experience. I laughed when I read that the "hotel stranger" seemed as worried about her as she was of him. It sounds like Tori will have a lot to talk about and write about when she returns. It must be an interesting time to be in Europe - just to hear about how they view the American "crisis." Wonder if she had any conversations with anyone about that or the election - the list of topics goes on and on. It sure could make for some good "cafe" talk or better yet "pub" talk.

The most exciting thing going on here is that Sid and I had to babysit Storm (the Parson's dog) last week and the e-mail system is down for the entire University right now and I can't get into e-mail which I need to for work. Oh well, guess all the work will all have to wait :-)

Anyway, Storm had to come to the Vet Hospital last week and so I had to escort him around for a few days. He is so loveable. I can really see how people get so attached to their pets- especially dogs (got to say I favor dogs). Storm was very well-behaved and sweet as can be. It is amazing all the attention he gets when we walk with him. People stare at him, make comments about him being "Lassie" and even stop and ask about him. He is beautiful and sort of unusal looking. He looks a little bit like a wolf. But he sure does have a calm and sweet demeanor. I tell Nina how lucky she is to have such a wonderful dog. She knows it of course. By the way, she has been doing horseback riding lessons and really loves it so far. Now that is one expensive hobby. KC, by the way I love the puppy photos. Those little puppies look absolutely adorable.

Diana, I was wondering how your guitar lessons were going or should I say have you been able to find another class? I know that feeling you described of wanting to cry when you found out that the lessons had been cancelled. Feeling that kind of disappointment is awful.

Bopcha, glad to hear you received the letter from Nina. I think it is really good for her to to sit down and write a letter rather than "texting" etc.... Letter writing is really a lost art (so to speak). And while e-mail is great, nothing replaces getting a letter in the mail.

It truly is rare these days, isn't it? Wow do I sound old-fashioned or what? I guess I am. Well anyway, I hope Nina will keep it up. She of course gets sort of distracted with school, and music lessons, etc....

I will sign off for now.




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