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Oh no Bopcha, could you possible have a little ratoutuille in your house. Just the other night, Sid and I watched the movie "Ratoutuille" about the little rat who was actually a wonderful chef. I am sure you have all seen or at least heard of the movie. The rat was really cute in the movie, but I don't think it would be so easy to appreciate such creatures when they are uninvited in your house. That's just me of course. Sid tells me Kay had a pet rat once so I don't want to assume anyone else feels the same way. I also would rather see the rodent than hear it only. Something about hearing the little creature without seeing it makes me jittery. Well Bopcha, good luck in capturing the uninvited guest.

Today was very hectic indeed. I was with Nina and Alex for several hours. I was trying to get some photos done for my photo class and needed to work on pictures of "motion" for my assignment. Well there is certainly never a shortage of movement when it comes to Nina and Alex. They actually never stop moving, it is just a matter of capturing the movement before they are off and gone to the next activity. The Photography class is an enormous amount of work. Taking the photos is just part of the challenge. What follows the picture taking is the entire developing process which is really neat. But it also requires hours of work in the dark room. It is hard to fit it in with the work schedule - which has been quite intense over the past few weeks.

I have a real appreciation for the process of developing your own film and prints now that I have been doing it. It really is a lost art. I love the fact that it requires thinking but at the same time it is a very manual process where you are actually standing and moving while working.

That is really idea work for me, I am not a good sedentary office worker, could use more movement.

Would love to write more, but I can feel myself getting really tired and I will have to get ready for work tomorrow :-(

Have a wonderful Week All!


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