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So Much Red

You should see all the red we have in Philly today. This is the day of the parade and 2million people are expected to show up. The parade will take place in the Center of the City and needless to say there will be gridlock everywhere. But anyway, it sure is funny to see an entire city committed to wearing the same color. Of course, I in my absent mindedness, am not wearing red, and instead am wearing yellow and black. How appropriate don't you think?

I mean really, I can barely pull together my wardrobe in the morning as it is. But then to try and remember to wear a certain color, now that is a challenge :-) I know I sound pathetic don't I?

I consider looking for something to wear for work every day an enormous undertaking. Of course I never felt this way in my 20's and 30's. Hmmm could it me an age thing? I remember one day my hairdresser saying to me that some days when she is riding the bus on her way to work, she actually gets jealous of people who are wearing scrubs to work. And in a perfect Philadelphia accent and style, she said to me, "I seen these people in scrubs, and I think to myself, why do I got to look cute?" It was the funniest thing because I feel the same way.

So if any of you know of any senior administrative jobs where you can wear scrubs, let me know, I would be very interested. Oh by the way, I choose scrubs because it is sort of like wearing pajamas to work. They look so comfortable and they don't even have to fit well.

Oh Diana by the way, I would like my employer to settle disputes with your law firm - seems like that might be one way to get a raise. Thanks for sharing that comment about Murray's employer - that is a good done.

Happy Halloween to everyone. And in case you were wondering, Nina is a witch but better yet Alex is dressed up as a police man. He is the smallest police man we will ever see!

Can you imagine?

Love to all,



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