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Long Time, No See

It's been several weeks since I've read Bop's blog--what a great way to catch up on the news. I was so sorry to read of Joe's dad's death. I remember Bop relaying Sid and Sandra's news that his wake was wonderful, full of stories. My sympathy to Joe and family for their loss.

Also, great news regarding the Beavers. It seems as though every time I talk with Bopcha, they've had another win. Gulp is right!! Is it too soon to think "Rose Bowl??"

And of course Sandra knew she'd have our attention with that list of "intelligent" dogs. I think Dee was right in that the list is based upon "trainability"--or what I think is even better put: bidability. If Sandra's vet had labled the list as measuring bidability--which it probably actually does, no one would argue because no one questions that Border collies really are the most biddable. But Sandra's vet calling it "intelligence" makes the list automatically pejorative for folks that love their dog, love their breed. Our dogs are intelligent--but nowhere as bidable as a Border collie--thank goodness!! I'd never be able to tell Kazan fast enough "now RUN!!" "now TURN RIGHT!" to make him competitive with others that figure out the chase strategy for themselves. Since breeders selected borzoi and Afghans to find the hunter's dinner using their own wits, biddability wouldn't keep the owner very fat. Since breeders selected Chihuahuas, Pekinese, and other tiny breeds to love to cuddle and be happy to sit on an owners lap, bidability wasn't necessary. They don't wait to be told --now you can snuggle in my lap, now you can crawl under the covers-etc. Doesn't make sense--that wasn't how the breeder shaped the genetics nor what the breeder was interested in achieving. My opinion--the good Lord gave us a species that could be easily shaped to serve mankind in as many ways as man could imagine. The dog is the only species that can be found with such extremes of variety (Irish wolfhound) to Chihuahua and still be fully compatible in terms of interbreeding.

Meanwhile all else goes well at the Zoiboyz. We had a delightful two weeks with Dagmar, Herbert, and Uschi. We took them to the straight racing and oval racing championships in Oklahoma, up to Wyoming for some fun, down to New Mexico for regional championships in coursing, plus some other fun things here at the ranch. Their visit was followed by us hosting racing competitions here at the ranch last weekend. And today I'm off to work--Tom and I are a little tired, but happpy. Plus we had the pleasure of winning everyone of the national as well as the local competitions--so much fun.

Love KC


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