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Theodore Joseph Buonamico Sr. -- My Dad

Dad was a great man. He loved his family, he was not a rich man, but he had alotta class. He never swore. I never remember him cursing – at least at home . He was powerful, his biography was not accurate in the paper. He served in WWII and Korea (as a drill instructor in the ARMY), he went to Viet Nam to repair helicopters for Boeing. He loved this country. He owned 2 restaurants and a Catering Business. He worked his butt off for his family.

Born in Italy, during Mussolini's reign, he starved. I remember his stories of walking 10 miles for an apple they split among themselves. Coming to America they lived at Valley Forge. They worked in the asbestos quarry and lived in the company provided housing without electricity or running water. He would “dig asbestos out of his nose with a nail”, he would say. Whatta tough guy. He built his own house, dug the foundation and basement by 'hand', and you can huff and puff and the house will still stand.

He loved to have fun. He was not ever depressed. He loved life, he feared God, he loved to gamble (remind you of anyones, Sid?) Once, in the ARMY, he drummed up a penny to over a thousand bucks playing Craps. His friend Bernie, who flew in from California for the services, swears to the story, and has the watch Dad bought him to prove it, so I must believe it to be true.

I am lucky to have been raised by such great parents, and as well to be included in your wonderful family's thoughts. Thank you all so much for your condolences. Especially to Sandra and Sid for their support during the services.

I truly miss him. I thank him for all he taught me as well for the person I am.

Best to all and Happy Holidays.

Love Joe


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