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Joe's Dad (Pops)

Anyone who met Joe's dad would experience him just as Joe describes. In his presence, anyone could feel his warmth.

There is no doubt that he passed on his warmth and humility to his family. Joe, you are a true living example of that. Sid and I always appreciate how thoughtful you are. He was a great father indeed. There is no doubt that he will really be missed; and the number of people that were at the funeral to honor him was impressive.

It was great to hear about his tales of Italy wasn't it Joe? Actually, your Dad's recount of Mussolini is reminiscent of my grandpa's story telling days. My grandfather always had a desire for us to learn about Italy's history - as he experienced it. He tried as much as he could to pass on his experiences. One of the somewhat comical stories that he told me was that when he married my grandmother, he received a monetary reward from the Mussolini administration. Mussolini provided incentives to encourage population growth in Italy (I should add the growth of Italians only). Actually, I have a whole "oral history" that I wrote based on interviews with my grandpa. There are so many intersting stories that he told. He talks about Facism, economic state of Italy and the region he came from, and ultimately what lead him to want to bring his family to the USA. I wrote this in college (for a course) and I think I will translate it to English one day. My sister would like Nina and Alex to learn about the cultural past. By the way, my grandpa passed away in 1996 and he immigrated to the USA in his 50's - doesn't that seem daunting? Can you imagine starting over in a foreign country at that age. In many ways it is very inspiring.

Joe, I wish your dad and my grandpa could have sat down for some good conversation over their home made wine, and of course the delicious Bonamico sausage. They were so similar; there was something so endearing about them and they both had an undying dedication to their families.

I always wished that Sid could have met my grandpa - even thought his gandpa's English was not very good, he somehow made himself understood. I think there would have been "instant chemistry" between Grandpa and Sid.

There is no doubt Sid would have enjoyed him.

As you may already know, Sid will be coming to Oregon on 12/17. I will not be able to make it this time but I know it would be lovely to be in Oregon over the Christmas holidays.

Love to you all,



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