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Memories of Mean Mr. Bee

Hello Everyone,

Yes those photos definitely took me back in time. As Bopcha said it was traumatic for all of us. The best part of that sequence of course is the last photo where Sid recovered, thankfully that moment did come. In the car, I really had my doubts and it was the most intense 10 minutes and something I hope to never have to repeat. Of course, you all know me not to be a worrier - what me worry? - so naturally I was researching bee stings because I was, well, you know worrying about the next bee season. So it turns out that many bee keepers, after many years of being immuned to bee stings, become seriously sensitive to them and develop serious allergic reactions. Yikes. I guess that answers the question of why Sid had that reaction after many years of being stung and never having that problem. I am not sure if it is overexposure to the bees, but there is lots of evidence out there that you can DEVELOP bee sting allergies over time, and they increase in severity with each subsequent sting. Some of the worst reactions are with those who have been around lots of bees. But I guess there are some recommended things you can do to decrease your risk of being stung. The challenge of course will be getting Sid to comply with the recommendations :-) :-)

Carrying around a bee allergy kit/injection is one way to try to remedy the sitaution once you have been stung. You are not supposed to wear bright clothes or sandals. Or Sid maybe you could just carry around a sign saying, "please don't sting me." Who knows maybe that will work!

Well one thing that I learned from the little bee episode is that I definitely prefer drama at the movies. I'll pass on it in real life. :0




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