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Professor D. Blakney

Well, just in case there was ANY doubt about who deserves the rank of favorite child, listen to this:

I drove to Cathlamet (25 miles west of Longview - along the Lewis and Clark trail along the Columbia River) this morning for a hearing on two cases where two really really angry citizens filed pro se complaints and tons of other documents with the court directed against my clients and some other people. The citizens were angry about flooding. About 20 to 25 supporters of the two individuals who actually filed the suits filled the courtroom. Presumably they were flood victims also.

After about 45 minutes, the judge ruled in my favor and in favor of the other defendants. Citizen 1 said out loud, "It's time for vigilante justice that's for damn sure!"

So, as I was hanging around waiting to get a copy of the orders, I was talking to the court reporter. She said that she was telling the others (deputy clerk etc.) that if she were in college she would like me as a professor because she loved listening to me talk!

I nearly fainted with joy.

Thereafter, I had to walk through the angry citizens and their supporters. They did not echo the court reporter's sentiments, but at least they didn't throw rocks at me and I am now home, safe and sound.

Diana, Professor of Something (I haven't decided what subject I am qualified to teach!)


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