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Beauty and Brains

Well all I can say Bopcha is if I ever make it to 89 and look as bright-eyed and pretty as you look, I will be quite pleased. And furthermore all your children are really nice looking, and they undoubtedly got the beautiful eyes from you. Not to embarass you or anything but it is really true.

And of course I have no problem believing you Diana that folks like to listen to you talk. Not to brag about my observation skills :-) but I have noticed your thoughtful, articulate pattern of speaking, and I have even commented to Sid about it in the past. So when do you start your teaching appointment? But seriously, isn't it nice when people that you encounter in the course of work/life actually take the time to notice and actually complement you? It happens so infrequently.

By the way, Diana we received the Christmas card and the little tree which I love. I placed it on the firelpace mantle. It looks really cute. The photo card is really nice. What a photogenic family. Diana, you always look so nice in photos.

I mean you look very attractive in real life, but often times photos don't do justice to people. Well at least the photos I take. :-( I'm learning though.

I was so pleased to hear Nina's little confession to me today. She said that she is knitting a scarf for my sister as a Christmas gift. How sweet is that?! Who even cares what the scarf looks like, it's going to be special no matter what.

The other day, Alex was at a store and saw a toy that he liked and asked his mommy if he could get it. She replied with, "let's wait for Santa Claus to bring it to you on Christmas Day." Alex then responded by saying that Santa will probably bring it to the wrong house. Last year Alex asked for a toy and said that Santa's elves will not be able to make it because it is too complicated. They won't know how to do it. So George, the other day, said, "Wow Alex has no faith in poor Santa."

By the way, Alex has been really sweet and civilized with their dog. He absolutely loves "Storm." I guess he isn't competing with the dog for attention anymore.




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