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From Kay

Okay it is official, I am about ready to curse at the whole Social Security Administration. I have been trying for a week and a half to return a call to the SS Office in Tacoma. I always get her voicemail which says the call will be returned in the order received. I have left many, many messages with no call back. So I went to the 800 number on two separate days and today after jumping through many hoops finally got a person. She said she would fax me the forms so they could complete my application for benefits but I needed to go stand by the fax machine to receive them because they had personal information on them. That was two hours ago. So, I tried the 800 number again - jumped through all the hoops and was finally in the long waiting line to talk to the next available person. Well after 20 minutes of holding I was cutoff.

So what now folks. I am going to try and talk to a real person in the Seattle office which is down on S Lane Street which is only about a mile away HOWEVER from my view on the 46th floor it appears to be raining. Diana is it raining from where you sit. If so, I guess I can take a cab. GRR Did I mention that I am really really agitated.

Kay Daniels | Riddell Williams P.S.

Legal Secretary


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