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The Complaint Cafe


I think that I may become part of a new enterprise that should be called the "Complaint Cafe."

But seriously, they have decided to set up a cafe that will, in effect, be one of those cafe stands that you see in corporate buildings, hospitals, etc... RIGHT OUTSIDE MY OFFICE, and I mean right in front of it. Currently, my office is in a very private location where employees can come to see me without the entire organization knowing about it. Well everybody will know now when you have a problem and need to talk to me. So one of two things could happen: No one will ever want to meet me in my office because they will have the cafe audience observing that there must be an "issue" since they are coming to talk to me; or, I could have a constant flow of people coming to see me about every little thing, figuring that since they are here grabbing a coffee, they might as well come and complain.

The cafe is intended to provide the students, faculty and staff a place to grab coffee and food, and will even be accessible to hospital clients. It is a lovely idea but why does it have to be outside my office. By the way I am not complaining to the administration because what is the point. I assume that the needs of the entire institution are more important than my wishes. Do you think that is an accurate assertion to make???

The only thing I might do to drown out the constant chatter outside my office is play really loud music, I was thinking something along the lines of hard core punk music. Doesn't that sound like a rational plan? Just kidding!

Kay, by the way, I would never expect it to be any different than what you describe for the Social Security Office. There are just some offices that you know are going to be a nightmare to deal with. For me, I have dreaded experiences with the Philadelphia Parking Office. Holding for 20 minutes and then getting cut off is the sort of experience I've had with them. And it doesn't end there.

Well that's my news for today. Lovely, huh?




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