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The Global Warming is on East Coast

Hello Everyone,

I have really wanted to write on the blog, especially since I've had more time with not going to work. However, I can't seem to use my laptop at home. The screen is staying blank or has dark lines running through it no matter what I do.

Well if nothing else it sounds like it has been a White Christmas in Seattle. Bopcha, opening all the packages seems like it was lots of fun. Sounds like the timing of their arrival was perfect.

Here in Philly we are having rain and relatively milder temperatures. In fact Alex was crying a few days before Christmas because he said it is supposed to be snowing when Santa comes etc...Just think we could have shipped him to Seattle and he would have been ecstatic :-)

My family had the traditional Christmas Eve dinner, with seven different fish dishes. Don't know if you ever heard of that. On the East Coast (in this area) I guess with all the Italian immigrants, it seems like everyone knows about it. In fact non-Italians ask me about it at work. Amazingly enough, my family has really scaled it down. The fish dinner used to be even more elaborate. But with my grandmother being so weak, it just isn't the same. My grandmother actually still made the Italian cookies for Christmas. She did not make as many as she used to but somehow she managed to get some of them done. I would love to send samples to everyone, but I am worried about the condition they would arrive in. You may just be receiving a bunch of crumbs in the mail. I'll have to work on that.

By the way, the most famous fish we eat on Christmas eve is something called "Bacala" which is basically cod fish. However, it is dried and has to be soaked in water for about three days, because it is cured in salt and has to be wahsed. When you buy it, it is the funniest and most unappetizing looking piece of fish. It is basically like a piece of wood - it is so hard until you soften after the 3-5 day soak. Can you imagine how many laughs and jokes people get out of that one. But truth be told it sounds totally disgusting but is wonderfully delicious once you cook it. You would never know it started out as a piece of smelly, salty piece of wood. I was wondering if you have ever seen "Bacala" in the Northwest or is it even available.

I have always loved the fish tradition on Christmas Eve, but like many traditions, it is apparently a dying one. I was just reading that less and less Italian Americans know how to do the fish dishes or are willing to do the preparation. People are too busy and the fish merchants in Philly and NY have observed the decline in fish purchases. The few days before Christmas people are not buying the traditional cod fish, smelts, calamari etc.....

Okay, I say we get Judy on this. She could bring the tradition back to life with her culinary energy, don't you think?

Bopcha, by the way I do find that there are TESTS that either prepare or bring into question our stamina for the new year. I have a few examples of that but I won't bore you all with the details , I have probably already bored you all with all this "fish talk."

To the most warm and friendly family ever,

I wish you lots of joy and tranquility in 2009.

Hugs and Kisses,



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