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Truss Day - First Installment

This will take some work to get the photos in logical order. This is just to whet your appetite.

Lots of Progress

Rick really worked his muscles today. He had to move the steel scaffold by himself, hammer up a level platform for it, and wrestle big flat boards in a brisk wind!

Roof to come soon!

Monday Morning in July

Yellow plums (all 5 of them on the tree) are getting ripe. I will eat them if they are ready before I leave on Saturday.

I walked the creek trail this morning, testing the GPS I bought. It took 40 minutes, but I can't figure out how to read whatever I was tracking on the GPS. In any event, this spot, where the new culvert was placed, looked particularly pretty.

The trusses get delivered on Thursday.

Thursday work in progress

Rick, finishing the framing.

This part was tricky!

Strange barrier. Don't think I'll tackle this one by myself.

This obstruction was no match for Diana, goddess of tree-trunk lifting.

User Error

Sigh! The failure to load was all me. Of course. Grrrrr.....

Weather sensor installed by Tory, Robert and Zak. I have had fun reading its output. Yesterday, the wind from the west had gusts of 15 mph!

Rick was out yesterday after the photos were shot. The roof things get delivered next week.

Fields nicely mowed.

July 8, 2015 Summer Day

I took photos when I arrived here yesterday evening, but I can't seem to get the blog to import them. Tried last night and again this morning - to no avail.

In any event, I got some mowing done yesterday evening, so the grounds in the orchard and around the house are mostly done.

The evening cooled down nicely. I actually needed a blanket by morning!

Another hot day at the farm!

The two small plants are the elderberries that are supposed to be anti-fly.

Another thriving elderberry.

The stick you see is an elderberry that is not thriving.

Cooling my feet at the swimming hole.

This is the chihuahua trail to the bridge their Aunt Diana mowed. Without it they tend to get lost in the grass.

Second story is going up.

Larkspur at the swimming hole.

Swimming hole.

Irish blackthorne.

Hot day at the farm

Me in a field of Shasta daisies.

Single bloom deep in the woods.

Nice job on the stairs, Rick!

View from the roof of the new garage.

Early June at the farm

This photo of Noah wielding an axe was taken last month when he drove down from Portland to do farm labor for a day.

Bill worked on the other end of the logs (there were two and although they were small, they were tough).

Rick on the roof of the new garage. I went up there to take a peek and I must confess that the view is really nice!

Rick on the roof from a distance.

We mowed and weed whacked just about 3 weeks ago and look at the grass! Unbelievable.

Creek walking is fun in the summer, but it really is an athletic endeavor.

We walked past two big log placements. On the way back we decided to go around one on land. Sadly, we ran into a huge patch of nettles. My shins are stinging as I type.


On the morning walk around the loop trail, we spotted this tree!

Side one of the tree.

Side two of the tree. I apologize for my fashion statement.


Nice pictures Dee. It is wonderful how much progress is being done on the garage. Rick is one hard worker.

May 14, 2015 at the farm

Lupin patch. I saw two Fender's blue butterflies dancing above the patch. That is the largest group I've ever seen!

View of the new garage from the entrance/exit of the loop trail.

May 13, 2015 Spring at the farm

Rick, hard at work.

Rock Creek is low and easy to wade across.

Yeow! One lone Scotch Broom where there used to be hundreds.

Lots of dead Scotch Broom.

Irish Blackthorn bushes (if you look hard). All four are thriving.

Log placements holding up well.

Logs on Griffith Creek.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The turkey daddy and three turkey moms spent the morning on the driveway. Kay and I came across a turkey mom and her teensy babies while walking the Chihuahua boys yesterday. The mom sprang out of the grass and we nearly stepped on her babies. The babies were brand new and stayed put. Mom came back after we quickly departed, Chihuahua boys in our arms!