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Kay speaking. Sid mowed Bopcha side yard out by the railroad tracks and garden and then went out to the farm to use his new tractor to mow some fields. He came back a bit ago looking like a true field hand and is now off having a quick brewsky with his friend.

My neighbor gave me another large box of cherries so I brought them to Bopchas to pit. Judi came in with her cherry pitter but I did not make a dent in the box. So the box and the pitted cherries went back to the farm with Judith. Don't know how they did it in the old days but I am sure they made their children help.

Thursday is senior day at the fair so I am hoping to go for a couple of hours. I can taste the elephant ear already. Been working on a baby blanket for Crystal's baby and also brought that to Bopchas to work on. Was doing okay until I came to a spot that was wrong so that means pulling out a row and a half. Darn. To bad I am such a perfectionist (can we all say RIGHT).

Lovely pictures of Diana and that stranger she is standing by. Wonder who the awesome photographer was?????

It's All About Diana!

Well, this one does not have DIANA in it, Oh well. DIANA took the photo so it is ALL ABOUT ME ME ME!

Diana in Corvallis

It is very early here in Beaver Nation. All of the inhabitants of Bopcha

s house are asleep, and, as you can see, the keyboard of the computer is dark so I can

t figure out how to punctuate. I finished crocheting a headband for Mother, and I have started another. Soon I will have headbands for everyone. What a treat to look forward to for all of you. I would put an exclamation point at the end of the sentence, but I cant remember where it is located.

Kay and Judi and I found a dollar bill and two twenties on our walk yesterday. We crossed the tracks to Avery Park and on our way found the three crumpled bills, all lying separately on the ground. Wow. It made walking a heck of a lot more fun.

KC and Tom, I cant quite figure out how many pups have been sold. I had my eye on one spot, but she or he is gone so I guess I will have to wait for Tornado to have another little girl.

Bill and Sid have been doing some good work. Sid finished the concrete work, Bill mowed Bopchas yard, and Sid worked on keeping little critters out of the tractor mower out on the farm. Apparently weird little animals love the air filter and think it is a nest. Grosses me out, because I really like running that piece of farm equipment and I do not want little beasties leaping on me when I start it up. Not that Ive used it that much, mind you, but I like to use it so that should count for something.

We ate a completely vegetarian lunch yesterday. Potatoes from Judis garden, summer squash and zukes from both the Farmers Market and Judis garden, and red cabbage and beets from the fridge, source unknown.

Murray and Tory had excellent times on their race last weekend. I cant wait to run/slog/walk a race with them someday. Since I will be replacing Sid at the end of August, I think I will look for some runs around here so that I will be in shape and then I will smoke the twins .... ha ha dream on.



Wednesday (Kay)

Had my morning all planned out in my head - take dogs for walk on Chip Ross trail, then take dogs to have nails clipped, take dogs home and pick up laundry and go to laundromat and then go to Bopchas. We did Chip Ross and Luis found something really foul to roll in. So, the boys went home and got a bath and we will do nail clipping tomorrow. Pulled a bunch of dandelions at Bopchas this afternoon while she was having her finger pricked. Sid is now off buying food and should return shortly.

It is really humid in Corvallis and the sweat is rolling down my back. Early this morning I called Dian Gurtler (formerly Dian Zimmerman of Days Creek HIgh School). She is working at the Manley Hot Springs Lodge in Manley. We played a little catchup and she remembered KC and her long brown hair. I take great delight in telling all those people that remember KC and her long brown hair that it is now short white hair. Brown hair begone. Dian doesn't have a computer and doesn't know how to operate one but her daughter is the postmistress in Manley and the post office is getting a computer the first part of August and she will have her daughter email me. I guess I can then get a mailing address for her and correspondence with Dian the old fashioned way. I don't think I have talked to her in 45 years.

Tuesday (this is Kay)

How many days do you plan to do the Bruess diet? Let us know how it goes and good luck. Sorry about the smudges of peanut butter on this message.

Let the chickens, geese and ducks out this morning and they are all so different and funny to watch. Besides the Rooster called Big, Judi has another rooster that is harassing the hens and I think will shortly become known as fried rooster. Don't know who it going to take him out but it isn't me.

Sid called today from Crater Lake and said it was spectacular. He and Sandra were going hiking and he sounded good.

Got my first cherry tomato from my plant yesterday and ate it immediately. Oh by the way great farmer that I am, what I thought were cucumber plants seem to have squash on them. Oh well, squash, cucumbers, whatever.

Thursday (this is Kay)

What a really great picture of all of you. Some really great genetics going on with those kids and you and Bill really look great also.

The dogs and I are at Bopcha's house and then I think I will run out to the farm. Even with air conditioning my little trailer gets really hot and today is supposed to be hotter than yesterday.

Looking forward to seeing Sandra tomorrow and if she thinks that she will be escaping the heat - NOT.

From Diana

Hello all and Happy Fourth of July!!!!!

We heard all kinds of firecrackers last night at about ten or ten thirty.

All is well here in Corvallis. I blew up Judi's electric mower trying to mow the back yard. It emitted black smelly smoke and blew a fuse. Gulp! I ran down and rented a gasoline mower to finish the job. That back yard is just a bit much for an electric mower, or perhaps I put a bad spell on it! I hope I am safely back on the Island before Judi finds out.

Bopcha, Sid and I went out to the farm yesterday. Bopcha wanted to see how well the diesel fuel had caused the burn pile to disappear. It did a great job! Judi said the smoke was so black she was confident the fire officials were going to come and arrest her.

Judi is making cherry preserves out of cherries one of Kay's neighbor's donated. Yum!

KC, you left a cell phone charger here. I will put it in the "Big D" room for your next visit. And, by the way, thanks for giving me that Chico cover up blouse. I love it!

As for the baby book? I'm pretty sure that is not you in the photos. Looks like that orphan child mother found in the alley - oh, ooops, that was you, wasn't it? Ha ha ha .....



House (this is Kay)

Thanks Dee, the house looks pretty darn good. Hope for their sake it sells soon and/or they give it back. Now that they have updated the kitchen, I think I will love it even more.

Sid is out running errands and Bopcha is taking a rest. When Sid returns, I will go pickup my dogs and head for Chip Ross park.

Looking forward to Dee coming down this weekend and Sandra coming in the next. Love having everybody in town. Remember if we have too many for the house and farm, I always have a couch and I think a blowup mattress.

Made an interesting dish last night that I pulled from the internet - onions saute in 1/2 cup butter and then cabbage added and then cooked egg noodles added. I love all the ingredients but it was really tasteless - however with that much butter it all slid right down my throat to my hips and thighs. Okay, maybe I will do Chip Ross twice.

!!What Am I? Chopped Liver?

Uh-hmmmm. This is aunt and loving sister KC asking how it is that Diana is now best aunt and sister!!???? I'm sure aunt and loving sisters Kay and Judi also have questioning looks on their faces. Humph!!

Meanwhile, we loved your tale of the UPenn's efforts to keep your office nice and cool. We laughed in sympathy.

Love from KC