Hello Everyone,
I found myself smiling when I read about the high scores Theresa had - especially the when she mentioned being the highest scoring female currently. That is such wonderful news and Kay is obviously proud.
Tom, I assume you are doing wonderfully now that surgery is over and it seems that it was successful. I hope you are feeling relaxed and getting plenty of rest.
Diana, it must be kind of nice to go out for a jog at lunch time. I was just thinking today that I would love to be able to jog at lunch time and have a shower nearby and have it in a place where people at work don't see me in sweats and sneakers and wonder what I am up to. Especially now that my office is in the Cafe, I have a constant audience of people who seeme go in and out of my office.
But trivial matters aside, that is great that you are training for a marathon. I would love to train for a marathon but my knees are too damaged to committ to anything like that. I still go jogging sometimes with a friend of mine (not Sid, he won't go with me). I really enjoy it but I never know when I am going to have knees that will start acting up so I don't ever plan for marathons. Jogging is still one of the most gratifying exercises, and the simplest. You don't need a gym, etc.... which is why I always jog when I am out in Oregon. Of course, it is also so beautiful out there that jogging is made much more interesting and enjoyable.
Well I am enjoying the Jazz and Java Cafe" outside my office.

Just kidding. Although I have to admit that it hasn't been too disruptive lately. But that is because the cafe isn't very busy, in fact it is very slow. I can't even imagine how the cafe manager feels it is worthwhile to continue its operation. All that might change because today an e-mail was sent to the entire school/hospital announcing that the cafe is now officially up and running (well not to challenge anyone's perceptions of reality, but as far as I can tell it's been operating since the first week of January). Well obviously the message is a marketing strategy to remind everyone that they exist and have many new items on the menu to try. Because of the very limited menu, I have not had a constant smell of food in my office. Although now it seems that real food is being introduced, so my office might start smelling like a kitchen
Oh perhaps the Seattle crowd on this blog could explain what "Eggspresso" is all about. The cafe will be offering scrambled eggs cooked with the milk steamer. This sounds crazy, but maybe it is really delicious. Has anyone ever tried it? This is the very first time I have ever heard about this. But this cafe tells us it is available in the "streets of Seattle." Is it true?
Sid and I went to my sister's house the other day, and had a nice visit with Nina and Alex. We had not been there for a really long time and apparently Alex was really missing Sid (of all people) can you imagine? That is really cute though I must admit.
Alex wants Sid to help him with a very massive puzzle that contains 1000 pieces. Since Sid and George go immediately into their lengthy chess games, I offered to help Alex with the puzzle. Alex questioned how I am going to do that whole puzzle if I can't even do one piece." First I tried to not laugh and then I asked him where he got the idea that I was that clueless. He said he just wanted Sid to help him, because Sid could do the puzzle. I figured I wouldn't argue with this very wise six year old.
Well work has been intense. I am working late many days and really beat when I get home. But as many of us say, I am just feeling fortunate to have a job these days, even if I do have to work in a cafe. By the way, I was told (as a token of appreciation for putting up with all the cafe traffic) that I would receive free coffee. So I tried to order coffee twice and both times - it was NOT free. So that settled that question. I just make coffee in my office, like I always have. I figured if I save the $1.60 each day instead of buying coffee, I'll have maybe $500.00 more dollars when I retire at the age of 85+. Of course I'll make sure I put the $1.60 under my mattress - you know the only safe place to keep your money these days.

I am joking about the money stuff - in a way.
Well nice to hear from everyone on the blog. Sorry about the long message. I thought I would make up for lost time. Thanks for reading all this.
Much Love,