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After reassuring Tiffany that she wasn't in any danger of getting a tick, tonight I found a tick on Luis. I washed both dogs in flea and tick shampoo and then used tweezers to pull the tick out. I don't feel as comfortable out walking as I once did. Went on the web to make sure I knew how to remove the tick and see if it was one that might carry lyme disease. It didn't appear to be the dangerous carrier tick but a plain brown dog tick. Gross, gross, gross. I am itching all over and just know that the ticks are running rampant all over my bod.

Judi if you read this blog, I am not sure that any of the plant you had starters for will survive. We planted some but because of the ongoing rain, I am afraid that we messed up (we as in Tiffany and I). So do not worry about coming home early to harvest any crops. The good news is that I saw the black cat once. We decided it was either a black panther or the cat. I have been putting food out and some mornings it is gone and others not.

The chicken coop seems to be a haven for little gray mice. Moved a board by the side of the chicken house yesterday and two of them ran off.

The freezer at the farm is working again (hopefully for a long time). Unfortunately, we lost the food that was inside when it stopped working. The good news is that there was a sale at Albertsons today and I managed to put some meat back into the freezer.

Bopcha and I went to the First Alternative for lunch today. I ate but poor Bopcha had very little. Lots of interesting things and the girl at the checkout stand knew Bopcha by name and called her the beautiful Virginia.

Looking forward to Sid and Sandra coming out.

Aloha for now, must go search my body for bugs.


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