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Was mowing the yard with the electric mower and Bop came out. Thank goodness I looked kind of like I knew what I was doing with the electric mower because no sooner had she left, the rear wheel fell off the mower. Figured out how to replace the wheel and then noticed the front wheels/tires (whatever) looked weird. Can't figure out why they look odd but they do and Sid I would appreciate it if you would take a peek at the electric mower.

For some off reason if you use a GPS to get to Bopchas, it puts you on the wrong side of the tracks. I got a cheap Magellan and decided to give it a try. Bopcha said that seems to happen to everyone using a GPS.

Saw the farm cat in the field hunting this afternoon. That is only the second time I have seen her since I've been on the farm. I take it that she does not like dogs. Speaking of dogs, I temporarily lost the one dog that does not run away. I spent a lot of time looking under buildings because I just knew that his harness got hooked on a nail and he was trapped. After much calling and looking he finally just reappeared. No idea. Have seen a lot of field mice both in and out of the chicken house. However, the dogs never seem to see them.

Did not leave the farm today. To nice a day to waste in traffic and Bopcha had Repak and/or Gleaners.

Looking forward to June 14.

Too bad you all have to work and I would love to say that I am just dying to return to work and/or find a parttime job - NOT. HAVING WAY TOO MUCH FUN KILLING JUDI'S PLANTS WHICH I NOW HAVE TO GO REPLACE.


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