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Looking forward to seeing the Philly crew. Today, Bopcha took me on a walk around a lake on the Hewlett Packard grounds. Really pretty.

A man at Bi-Mart said the rain had killed most of his garden and he was starting over from scratch. Hope I can use that one on Judi. Dogs and I walked the field this evening hoping to see deer - nothing. I try walking quietly like an indian but an overweight, middle aged women with two little dogs is not exactly the stealth patrol.

Ramon loves the creek and I am terrified that he will fall in and I will have to jump in and rescue him. I guess that will be a true test of my love and/or as he goes drifting downstream that he has lead a long and happy life. You can pretty well bet I will be jumping in to rescue the silly mutt. Took the dogs to the chicken house and pointed out a mouse to Luis hoping that I could make him a good mouser - the mouse was quicker than the dog - it just ran off. Perhaps if I catch the mouse and put it in his mouth he will get the idea.

Can hardly wait to hear Judi's stories but she can't come back until some of the new plants I bought take hold. Time to close the chicken coop.


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