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Dee's case

Diana that was funny. Everyone once in a while you run into attorneys that really should not be in the practice of law. But for every error they made, I'll bet they are putting the blame on a secretary. They both sound totally off the wall bad and need me for a secretary. I'll bet you are really glad that the case is gone. Now I hope that silly woman can't think of some other grounds to bring a lawsuit on.

While Bopcha was dealing with countertop removal and dishwasher problems, I was walking the dogs in one of the fields close to the woods. I happened to look up and not very far in front of me was a female turkey (hen?) and she did not move. So, thinking that she was injured and I could nurse it back to health and give her to Bopcha, the dogs and I walked closer - all of a sudden it starting making noise - spread her wings and came for us and then around us (heading towards the house). All the time she was making a terrible racket. After she went around us she stopped and looked to see if we were following and then spread her wings and headed back at us. Because I am brave (or was in shock) I didn't move and she went around us and into the woods. I am thinking she was trying to get us away from her babies. This is the first turkey I have seen since I have been staying at the farm - so where there is one there must be more and I would assume at least a few chicks or turklets as we farmers call them. I also looked at an apartment complex (Witham Village Apartments on NW Walnut Blvd) I would like to get into. The rent is duable but you have to provide proof that your monthly wage is 3 times the amount of the rent. Kind of lets me out.

Well I will be off to pickup Sid tomorrow but he will have to drive us back home because I so do not want to drive in rush hour traffic.

If anyone knows where Judi is - let me know.


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