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Bopcha and I had a great time today and thank heavens she has a sense of direction or we would never have found her car. The group we were with left their cars at a local winery and then tried to put as many people as they could into each vehicle to reduce the amount of vehicles on the excursion. Bopcha and I piled into mine and thus we left hers. Also, when we got back to Wren my Magellen had me going one way but that wasn't the way we came in so Bopcha who was following me pulled over and waited for me to come back and go in the correct direction. Okay Dee does that sound like something you and I would do or what.

Sid and Sandra are working incredibly hard. They start before I arrive and are still going when I leave.

When I got back home this afternoon, I took the dogs down into the field on the other side of the creek. Saw 2 female turkeys so we tried sneaking up on them to see their babies. Let me tell you turkeys can fly even the young ones. All of a sudden there were several baby turkeys in the air flying for cover of trees and under brush. At least one of the mothers flew right up into the high branches of an oak tree. I mean she flew HIGH. The babies were also very adept at flying which really amazed me.

I do a tick check daily but think I am tick free. But of course there is always my back which is probably hosting a small colony.

I found the most unusual egg today. The egg was slightly bigger than and bird's egg (one of the greenish eggs) and had a perfectly round bump on top. Sid took a picture and I hope it turns out so we can post. We discussed hatching the egg but Sid said it might be deformed and or it would be and normal chick and the shell would be too small for its body and it would die.

Must go get some rest so I can keep up with S&S. Where does Sid get his energy?


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