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I had lattice work and a gate put on my deck and it looks great. It really gives a feeling of privacy although the latticework only goes a little over 1/2 of the way up. I can now put hanging plants on either side of the gate and on the long side of the deck.

The collar for the dogs seems to be controling their barking a lot. They certainly don't like citronella up their noses.

Next week (the 16th) the dogs and I are off to Ridgecrest and Long Beach to visit the kids. Randy is supposed to close on his house in Sun City around the middle of the month.

Theresa is still waiting on word from the military to see if she has been accepted into OCS. Tiffany is headed to Fresno and then Ridgecrest on the 16th. She is taking some of Theresa's stuff to her and we are going separate routes so won't be traveling together.

Got to visit with Heather and Alanah (I think I spelled that wrong) yesterday. They took Bopcha out for a ride on the Ranger and Bop showed them places of interest on the farm. We then ate one of Judi's great meals and then some of us went berry picking at a U-pick place (Red Barn Farm) on Camp Adair Road. A lot of fun.

I am housebound today because my car is in the shop and running up a huge bill.

Cut myself the other day and Bopcha made an emergecy run to my house to bring me a bandaide. I certainly appreciated it because it was hurting like crazy and I had nothing but paper towels. It was really nice to have mother handy to do that for me - gave me a chance to revert to a big fat baby.


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