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Thanks for calling and telling me about the face before I saw it. That is terrible and I feel better knowing that you have seen a doctor.

Judi and I had a nice time in Nampa and played catchup with an old friend from our Imperial Beach days. Unless there is a lot more to Nampa than we saw (and there probably is), it wasn't very impressive. Kind of like a larger Ridgecrest.

Judi and I weren't able to connect with our relatives but once she has, we will set up a meeting and drive back over. Judi did all the driving coming and going - THANK GOODNESS.

For some reason I am totally worn out and except for cooking a pork roast and doing laundry, I am doing nothing other than looking at my sister's poor face. I want to see how Bill explains this to his co-workers. Looks like domestic abuse to me and sure glad someone was present to witness the fall.

Dee if you get stiff from the fall and need help while everyone is at work, let me know and I will come up.


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