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I tried posting a couple of times - once from my computer and once from Bopchas and thought the problem was me. Another case of Sid trying to drive me crazy.

Off to Ridgecrest tomorrow. Judi is dog sitting for me. Ramone is having problems with his rear legs related to his spine. They would like me to go to Portland and have an MRI done on him and then surgery. The cost of the MRI alone is horrible and I am sure the surgery is off the wall. They did do an x-ray and you can see the problem but the MRI would determine what disc they would need to operate on. He is on pain killers and anti-inflammatories. He is 11 headed for 12 and so I don't think I will have surgery done. As long as I can keep him pain free and he can get around, we will be okay. When he can't get up and/or is in pain, I will have him put to sleep. I must say that decision is really really hard as all you animal lovers can imagine. So this is all I can say about it at this time.

I am going to CA to say goodby to Theresa who leaves for OCS on Saturday and Alexis has her 1st birthday on Saturday so I am taking care of two beloved grandchildren at the same time.

Diana's face does look better but she has a rather large lump still on her cheek. My deck is looking rather nice if I do say so.

Aloha talk to you all when I return.


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