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Jess's store

I love the look and really love the plaid sweatshirt/jacket - that look is so me. Hat, Jacket and boots but no to the tights.

Went over to Bopchas a bit ago to pick her brain on walking trails. I went to one of the trails she recommended by the fairgrounds and had a really lovely walk with the boys. Ramone and I have a 4 p.m. appointment with the vet on Monday so she can show me therapy I can do on his joints to keep him active. That d-o-g had better appreciate what I am doing for his skinny little body. She sent me home with some great nuts and veggies. I am cooking a chicken in my table top oven and now have vegetables to accompany my Sunday dinner (laugh if you will Diana but I'll bet the chicken turns out great). Finances or the lack thereof have finally made me do more cooking and eat out of my refrigerator. Recently I was at the Dollor Store and realized I wasn't seeing whole people only bits and pieces and was feeling out of body. I knew I couldn't drive so I went to Jamie's Burgers and was forced to get a burger to keep from passing out (Judi said that was the best excuse she has heard for a long time). Hey, it was true and it worked and I plan on using that particular excuse each and every time. I need to get on track with eating on a regular schedule so that my blood surgar or whatever it was doesn't drop like that.

Tuesday after visiting with Bop and Judi I went to the new RiteAide. In one of the rows I heard noises and throught the man on the floor with his arm under the display was fixing something. He had a store employee with him so not wanting to disturb what every they were working on, I went over one aisle. Well the noises kept getting worse and worse and I peeked back around the corner and realized the man on the floor was in agony. An ambulance had been called and my guess was that he was having a heart attack. They came and he was carted off. The lesson here is if you are having a major anything around me don't look like you are working - just say something like "I'm dying" can you call 911. Sorry family that's just the way I roll.

KC & Tom -Judi made some homemade dog food for my dogs but we were wondering what can be added for calcium? Do you have some good suggestions on really balanced dog food formulas?

If Jess sends pictures from Hawaii be sure and share them with us.


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