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Theresa got to make a 5 minute call so she called her mom. I guess she has lost a lot of weight, doesn't want anyone to send packages because they have to open them in front of everyone (don't know if they share or not), has learned to eat all her meals with a spoon. That's all I know.

Bopcha took me to Crystal Lake Park and we walked the dogs today. She had Ramone and I had Luis. A nice place to walk with the leaves falling and the sun out. My furnace went on the blink on Friday and I had to have fixed. Better now than in January. Forgot to change my clocks until the subject came up at Bopchas. So far 2 clocks down and one to go. In fixing my watch, I forgot to push the thingy back in and it sat at 1:25 for several hours. Forget the car clock if I even have one and I have no idea how to set the microwave. Somethings just should not have clocks on them.

My newest great grandbaby (a girl) is due in January. This will be Jake and Kara's second child - Adam Michael being the first. Adam is a doll and I tried to attach a picture but was not successful. Kind of think Dennis the Menace.


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