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Finding the school picture of Bopcha and her siblings was amazing. The March 1928 photo appeared to be a school photo taken by probably the school teacher. We found the photo at an antique shop (Beekman Place). Judi and I were looking over old photos when Judi stumbled on this one. The first names of the kids was printed on the back and when we gave it to Bopcha she was able to write down the last name of all the students except for someone called Bobby who was probably about 1st grade. Some Watkins and Gellatlys were in the photos. A once in a lifetime find.

Judi and I ran into Albany today to do some shopping and got caught in some serious rain. Had lunch at a little Mexican place (I do mean little) and the food was great. We actually should have ordered one dish and splt.

Steph and some friends went to Burbank yesterday to see the Ellen Degeneres show but weren't able to get in. They were given tickets for a February show - so will be going back.

A fellow dog walker told me that there were some cute chihuahua mix puppies that had been turned into one of the humane shelters. She said I could see them online. I told her that I really could not look at them for fear I would adopt. Two dogs is plenty for me especially now that I am being hit with vet bills. I see a lot of dogs on my walks but not one single Borzoi. KC and Tom must have them all.

Have been following the shooting at Ft. Hood. It will be interesting to see what is uncovered as the investigation goes forward. From the news report, It appears that the shooter is still in a coma.

P.S. Don't try and talk to me via Facebook - that just kind of happened because I was trying to contact Steph and Tina's brother Charlie and it just kind of grew from there. I don't understand anything about Facebook or how it works. But the picture of me on facebook is Alexis and I and don't I just look ever so charming.


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