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Nice article Dee. I think it is time for me to fly the Beav colors. Al (next door neighbor) has a Beaver flag on his porch and I think one on his truck. I will try and find a Beav something to dress up my porch area.

Theresa called me a few minutes ago. The connection from the pay phone was very poor. She is sick and if it gets worse it might set her graduation back to the class behind her. The only thing I could hear for sure (I think) was ear infection could not catch what else she had. If she graduates on time it will be January 22. She did say not to rush out and buy a plane ticket because that could change due to her illness.

She only has 3 tickets but those that don't get the tickets can stand - you know (God willing) I will be there. I think Stephanie will also be present and hopefully Tina and Maxx. So as the time get closer and her graduation date firms up, I will keep you all posted - in case anyone is able to make the graduation. I do realize that Newport, Rhode Island isn't really close to anyone and for those that can't attend, I am sure we will have plenty of pictures.


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