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Thursday (I think)

Went to see the movie Paranormal (doesn't look right). It was barely okay. After I got home my sweet tooth was hurting so I reached for my container of caramel corn. I put a handful in my mouth and thought boy they taste odd but just to make sure, I put another handful in my mouth and yep they tasted odd. So as I was making a call to Tiffany I glanced at the container and noticed that it was crawling inside with sugar ants (the lid was sealed tight and I have no idea how they got in). So that's right folks I had my sweets and protein all in one meal and I am about two steps away from throwing up. I will be picking ants out of my teeth the rest of the night. Maybe that was Gods way of saving me from all those unneeded calories - or else he has a wicked sense of humor.

I put a few solar lights by my driveway and today as I was backing out I felt a small bump and wouldn't you know it, I had run over and totally smashed one of the lights. Did I mention that after I put them in they just didn't light up and so I asked Judi if she would take a look and see what I was doing wrong. Well it turns out you had to unscrew the top and pull a tab so the battery would work. Live and learn. Well after smashing the light I went out and bought a replacement and will try my best to stay on the pavement.

Hope Sid and Sandra make it out that would make the party complete.

I think another storm is supposed to blow in which might put a crimp in my dog walking tomorrow. We got in a nice hour walk today after Ramone's shot. He only has one more to go.

Sandra, I love hitting the antique shops and try really really hard not to buy anything because I am so short on space. You cat lovers would so love the house cat at ARK Animal Hospital. She is so big and spoiled. I found out the hard way that cats don't seem to like their tummies scratched.


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