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Well I didn't make any resolutions but will try hard to stay alive and kicking and make my siblings suffer.

I have been trying for years to find something that would give me a special standing with my sibs: Judi is multi-talented, KC and Tom have their dogs and degrees, the attorneys Blakney have their field (and basketball), Sid and Sandra are degreed - so okay here is my claim to fame: I have now officially eaten more sugar ants than anyone in the family (a dubious honor but an honor nonetheless). This morning I poured my cold cereal in a bowl after making sure there were no ants on the outside of the box, poured milk over the top and sat down to watch news on TV and eat. By the second spoonful I realized it tasted a bit peculiar and thought maybe the milk was turning, looked into the bowl and saw a dark spot, then another, and another, yep you guessed it. Once again I did not throw up but flushed the cereal down the toilet, looked inside the box and it was crawling with the little devils. I am sure they are good protein but must find a way to make them taste just a tad better. Once I find a tasty way to prepare the ants, I will gladly share it with the rest of you.

Sandra, isn't it amazing how attached you get to your pets. I started calling my dogs son and realized that if I didn't stop that somebody would commit me (especially my grandchildren) so when in public I call them sunshine. I am hoping that fools the world at large.

Today was another fun filled day at the laundromat (the downside of living in a small tin can). Actually it wasn't so bad since it was senior day and I got a free coffee and had a good book.

I missed the moon so was really glad to see the picture.

We are off and running into the New Year and on that note I have a newly engaged granddaughter (Meredith) and a granddaughter getting really to graduate from Officer Candidate School (Theresa) and I would not be terribly surprised to hear at some point this year that Crystal is expecting. Great grandchild number 4 is due this month (Jake). Tiffany is in school, Christopher is working at a great job at China Lake and healthy, Jon is working and healthy, Jake is working and healthy, Duncan is working and healthy, Maxx is in school and healthy, Devon is working and healthy, Grant is in school and healthy, Alexis is walking and healthy - so all is good with my world


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