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Hi all. Just got back from Bopchas where Judi fixed one of her outstanding lunches and I came home with leftovers. That's right leftovers, eat your hearts out.

Also Bopcha, Judi and I played a game of Scrabble and Bop was getting some high point words. I had to drop out early because I couldn't make any more words. On the second game it was just Judi and I and, of course, she won but I put up a good fight. I have a question that wasn't covered in the rules. The rules say that you can put your letters back in and pick new ones and forfeit a turn but I thought when you got to the point where you could not make a word you were out of the game. Judi seems to think you can just pass a turn. The rules did not say - does anyone have any insight????? I am going to study the dictionary before the next game. Judi read that there is a new Scrabble dictionary out so I am keeping my eyes open.

Looking forward to living Tory's trip through email. She always does the best updating re her trip.

Decided to do a crewel project and the first bump in the road was finding the needle that came with the kit. No, I still don't know where it went but I am sure I will step on it at some point and it will end up in my heart. So I found another needle and tried threading it with no luck> I then went to one of those needle threaders that comes in a sewing kit and broke that. Okay, you get the picture, I still haven't started my project because I can't get the blooming needle threaded. Is that a sorry story or what. Oh well back to the Enquirer.


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