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There is embroidery, cross-stitch and crewel which is usually done in woolen yarn and different types of stitches. Really don't know how to explain but it doesn't matter because if I don't get a needle soon - this project will be going to Goodwill.

KC & Tom sent me a wonderful early birthday present - The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. It will be going with me to Bopcha's when we do another game and also to CA when I go down and beat Steph and Al at Scrabble. I was reading some of the words and by the way don't challenge me when I use cocobola (plural for cocobolo - a tropical tree).

This morning I rode with Cousin Janey while she delivered meals on wheels (through the Senior Center). I talked with Cynthia at the Senior Center (or was it Sylvia) and she remembered Uncle Matt and the daffodils he used to bring. She said he also brought daffodil bulbs. Did they give them to people eating at the Senior Center? She asked if there were still daffodils that they would love getting some. Told her I would check with my mother to see if I could bring some in this Spring. Again, did she mean the flowers or the bulbs. Guess I need to clarify. When Janie and I returned from delivering the meals, she called me in where people were eating to find out Uncle Matt's last name, apparently they had been discussing him.

This afternoon had an appointment with Dr. Huffsmith (that's right the exwife of the man who rents out the fields at the farm) for a test involving flashing lights. Didn't do so well on the test and my eye pressure is a tad elevated so she put me on eye drops and I have another appointment in 3 weeks to test the other eye with the stupid flashing lights and re-test the pressure. This town is pretty darn small and I swear everyone is somehow either knows or is related to someone you know.

I think the lady across the street from me died. The ambulance was there a few days ago and for the last several days, the family has been cleaning out the trailer (a single wide). They rented large trash container and filled them to overflowing. The trash man emptied them this morning and this afternnon they are filled to overflowing again. Turst me you can cram a lot of stuff in these things. We should be seeing a for sale sign going up. I guess this is part of living in an over 55 Park.

Diana, I thought that was a great shot you posted.


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