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Home Again

I am home and very tired. The flights coming and going went smoothly. Had never been to Rhode Island and Massachusetts and enjoyed seeing new country.

As you can imagine, Theresa's graduation was very emotional for all of us and she looked cute as anything in her uniform. Ensign Todd has 3 week schooling in Rhode Island (Surface Warfare Officer training) and then has been assigned to the USS Gonzales (a destroyer).

My crew did the U.S.S. Constellation tour and found it very informative and interesting. We ate our share of crab. The people from my family in attendance were: Me, Randy, Stephanie, Tina, Allen, Tiffany, Maxx and Theresa's boyfriend from Ridgecrest, Will. Theresa's father was not able to get time off from work to attend. Randy slipped on an icey patch one day and went down hard. We were afraid he might have broken something but he escaped with a cut hand and frayed nerves. Steph rented a large van the size of an airport shuttle and Randy did all the driving and did quite well except when he tried to find a parking spot for the van our first night in Boston. We were all in the lobby of the hotel waiting to check in and Steph got a call on her cell that he was wondering around Boston lost. The doorman was able to give him good directions and he found us again. On that note, might I add that I would NEVER drive in Boston. I have never seen streets as narrow as those or drivers as crazy as the Bostonians. God made buses, subways and cabs for people like me. We walked everywhere but when we had to drive (like from Boston to Rhode Island and back), I made sure I sat in the very last row so I couldn't see the traffic and die of a heart attack.

The first night Maxx (our sleepwalker) managed to walk out of the room in the wee hours and ended up on a different floor with no shoes and his shirt unbuttoned and thankfully pants or sweats on. He went to the floor he thought we were on and knocked on a couple of doors and couldn't figure out why no one opened the door. He finally went down to the front desk and asked if someone would let him back into the room and also asked what room he was in. They told him the room and gave him a new key. After that Tina and Tiffany put a chair in front of the door so he couldn't escape.

Judi knitted neck scarves for everyone and let me tell you EVERYONE grabbed one and wore it every single day. They were winners.


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