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News from the Trailer Park

I am very proud of Theresa. Her address for the next 3 weeks is: ENS Theresa Todd


446 Cushing Road

Newport, RI 02841-1209

I must tell you that living in a trailer park can be a kick if you thrive on gossip.

Story One: One of my neighbors recently passed away and he left his trailer to his friend Earl who lived next door to him. Now both Earl and Hank were widowers and one of them had a wife that had ALS and was in a wheelchair and on a ramp at the hospital (the relayer of the news thought was in Portland), the wheelchair went off the ramp and the wife fell out and died right in front of her husband.

Story Two: This afternoon I met John who also lives in the park and he was walking his Chihuahua. I went over to see the dog and found out that he and his wife found the dog in a shelter in Mexico. It had no hair, a broken leg, was underweight and had other problems. John and Janice adopted the dog. The leg has been fixed and hair grew back in such a way that he has short hair like my dogs but with a mane down his back. He is now up to a healthy 7 lbs. If John and Janice break up again (they did at one point and he went back to Mexico but since he missed her he came home), I'll marry John because he is an animal lover and our dogs would get along fine. Also, John doesn't like my neighbor Al's wife. Told him not to worry that Al's wife died 3 years ago.

The stories are short because there is only so much you can find out in 15-20 minutes. Give me an hour and I will have a complete book.

Bopcha and I are going to see Aunt Martha on Monday so I can attempt to fix her answering machine. Bop said it wasn't working and perhaps I could fix that and the microwave. I will give it a try but if we don't return from visiting Aunt Martha, I have nuked us all.

Tell Judi she still has 5 chickens but something keeps eating the eggs. The cat must be around because her food disappears.


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