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Aunt Martha

Okay my last submission disappeared on me - so will try again.

Bopcha and I went out and visited with Aunt Martha. She looks good and regaled us with stories about Mary and some other water aerobics instructor. Aunt Martha needed the time set on her microwave and miracles of miracles, I was able to do that. Next, she needed her answering machine fixed. Might I add that it is the oldest answering machine I have seen in a long time. I tried to fix it and maybe it will work for the short term but Bopcha decided the smart thing would be to buy her a new one. So when we got back from the visit, Bopcha gave me the money and off I went on this very simple task. Right, when it seems like it should be easy, it never is. First stop was Bimart - none, then Radio Shack - one overpriced model, then over to KMart where a twirp of a salegirl told me that they didn't make stand alone answering machines anymore and I should go to Goodwill. Okay, so with my head turning on my shoulders, I went to Staples and found one (and I do mean one the only one in stock). Thursday we will head back to Aunt Martha's and get it going. It would have been easier to buy her a cordless phone with an answering machine but she is rather attached to her phone with a big key pad so that wasn't an option.

A mother was pushing her 2-1/2 year old son in a jogging stroller and was crossing a street (I think 99 and 34-maybe) and a semi making a turn hit the stroller and killed the child. The policeman that was interviewed was pretty shaken. Can't comprehend what the grief must be because even hearing the newscast hurt.

Made a tortilla casserole for lunch and when I put it on our plates, it looked like pig slop. I got to talking to Bopcha and way overcooked it. Plus, I put in too many green chilies and it really cleaned out our sinuses. I will never make it that way again, I am going back to my own good recipe and not improvising.

A skunk has been eating the eggs but today I got out in the afternoon and actually beat the skunk to the eggs. He'll probably be so upset that he'll eat a chicken tonight.


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