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Thanks for the keyboard help. See it actually works☻

I love Tory's messages and I agree that the snowman is outstanding - a really good job. KC that is a good picture and I want your jacket.

Bopcha and I went out to the sheep barn today and actually got to watch one being born. There were many sheep getting ready to give birth, had given birth or were in the process and the OSU Sheep Barn is open to the public for a few limited hours and days this time of year so people can watch the birthing process. When we walked in one was giving birth and another one was also in the process so we stood and watched and then walked away and looked at several of the new borns. Of course after we walked away she gave birth - HOWEVER when we walked back she was just ready to give birth to the second lamb and its little paws were just coming out so we stood and watched the whole process. It is absolutely amazing how soon those little critters are up and about.

Later I took the dogs for a walk and ran into a very aggresive pit bull on a leash. The lady asked me not to pick my dogs up because that gave her dog power. So, since her dog was leashed, I left mine on the ground and gave her a very wide berth. A few seconds later I passed a woman with a small dog and a larger dog (both leashed) and she wanted to know the whereabouts of the pit bull because it had shown very aggressive behavior on the path and she wasn't venturing into the parking lot until the dog was gone. Coming back along the path I saw a whole ball of snakes - one big writhing ball. Another couple and I stood and watched them for awhile and tried to count them. We figured it had to be mating season. I am getting pretty upset with large dog owner having their dogs unleased in a leashed area and trying to figure out where and how to register a complaint. Should I make a big stink at a city council meeting or just call parks & recreation?????????? Any ideas.

Saturday, Bopcha and I are doing a tour of the Stream Projects that is being hosted by Marys River Watershed Council, Marys Peak Stewardship Group & Benton Small Woodland Owners Discussion Group. Should be interesting.


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