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Saturday - Happy Easter

Diana Blakney????? Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter. Judi and I will be having Easter lunch at Bopchas. Tiffany was supposed to come down but was unable to make it.

Here is how clumsy I am. I was putting strapping tape on Tiff's easter box and got one strip across and dropped the end so it stuck to the role. Well you know what that means - I tried and tried to peel off another strip and then I took out my handy dandy pocket knife and tried cutting through some layers so I could at least grasp something. All I did was end up with bleeding cuts on both hands. I gave up and bleeding hands and all took the box into the Philomath post office and felt compelled to tell the clerk why I was bleeding. He said I was the second person that day that came in bleeding.

Monday I am taking the dogs to Martin Luther King Park to walk and see if the little easter egg hunters missed any eggs. I wasn't any good as a child at finding them but maybe as an adult with egg sniffing dogs.



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