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Hey, I have one of those pay as you go phones (Tracfone) and it has been known to get reception when some phones don't. I am very happy with my phone - very simple and it does exactly what I need it to do. My lettuce is poking its little head up.

When Sid arrives and has some down time, I am going to ask him to run a bead of sealant around my leaky window. I have the stuff but have been waiting for a nice warm day.

I had two eggs incubating in the little incubator and onr tried getting out of the shell and wasn't successful and died. I should have helped him. So, I have invested in an incubator that will hold ten eggs and if they hatch, and there is no room at the farm, I will place an ad in the paper and give them away. I got the eggs from Ebay and have no idea what type of chickens they are. Incubator arrived today and eggs should arrive sometime this week and/or weekend.

I think KC arrives tonight and when does Sid think he will arrive?


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