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Drove to Roseburg to have lunch with Sandy Perkins today. Nice drive and nice lunch but I showed up at the wrong Mexican restaurant. Named something like Los Dos Amigos and there are 2 in Roseburg. I finally called Sandy's cell and she came over to my location. Next time I read her email closer.

The little duck drowned. Apparently he wasn't able to get out of the pool. Judi had been watching them to make sure the could get out and they had but maybe he just got too tired and/or the bigger ducks crowded him into a corner where he couldn't get out. Drowning is pretty common among ducks if they can't get out of the water.

I am headed to Tiller Ranger Station for a potluck picnic on June 5 and hope to see pictures of Bopcha and Daddy in the Station museum. I passed the news along to Sid who will tell Bopcha.

Tomorrow is hatch day for my eggs and I hear no activity. I will give them until Friday and then toss them, buy local and try again.

KC how are the puppies?


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