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Happy Birthday again, Jessica B.

Today I went up to the top of Chip Ross Park and saw nothing but beautiful trees and birds. Driving out of the park a deer ran in front of me and then another one followed. I looked to my right and 5 of them were standing in someone's yard. I pulled over to the side to watch and one of the 5 was a very leggy fawn who was not sticking close to it's mother but sniffing out the porch. They didn't seem to be the least afraid of me and just kind of watched me from time to time and kept on eating.

I then took the dogs home, picked up laundry and went to the laundromat. When that was done I decided to set up my ironing board in the front room so I could watch TV and work. Set up the ironing board and then bent down to plug in the iron and at that point my skinny little hindend hit the table next to a chair - down went the table and the lamp and smash into my china cabinet. Picked up the table and it was okay, checked the glass on the cabinet and could not find any breaks, picked up the lamp and it was missing one whole side. You know how it is when you find the perfect reading lamp that stands at just the right height. Not that I don't have other lamps but they stink. So, I went and bought a second hand lamp to replace the broken guy. We will see how the lamp works out and don't think I will try ironing in the front room again.

Then I tried moving my air conditioner into the front room because tomorrow is supposed to be a killer. It wasn't heavy but it was awkward. Finally mastered that chore and it seems to be working. If my trailer goes up in smoke during the night, it was either the new old lamp and/or the air conditioner which was sitting on the porch all winter.

Have a great work week all you working peeps.


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