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Life on the farm

Well Sat was beautiful, as promised, it went downhill from there. I started

spraying,lime sulpher and couldn't keep out of the wind. Twenty trees later

I smelled like abatch of rotten eggs, really bad, went on to pruning, that

worked out very well. Until..... I got the bright of taking the truck down

the slight hill to pick up all the debris. Losded the truck, started up the

rise, aboout 2;30 or there about,two feet up and i am stuck in the

mud.Stopped thoght it over, went to get some composite shingles in the

garage, they worked, for about 2 more ft., got boards, 2 more ft, moved

shingles and boards, got nowwhere. At this point I backed up and tried to

head up between the trees, same scenerio. Then it dawned on me , gravel,

eureka, now to shovel and deliver the gravel,shovel, pack down the hill,

back up to shovel and drag, about 3 times. The end result , it got me about

ten feet, right about then i was bone tired. Finally got smart{5;45 by now}

walked down to the neighbors to ask for a clue. Of course the answer was,

get another truck to pull out and he instantly obliged. I was ready for a

hot bath and stiff drink, the bath was available, the liquer not, seriously

was eying the vanilla. Oh for a day on the farm. Love J


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