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Anytime in August is fine. i will be here so warn all. you have about 30 cherries on the black gold cherriy tree and six on one of the others. I netted both to see if we can beat the birds. Trying to rain to day, not very hard though. Thunder, about four claps and all gone. That doesn't even count. Your garden is trying to grow between thistles and grass. I think the fennel will win some space, don't know what else you planted but something else is trying to emerge. Will keep you posted.

At Last

This is the third note i have put on the blog, I can't seem to decide what key puts it up for all of you to see. I will try publish this time. I wrote two brilliant ones, not published of course and now can't think of a darn thing to say! Sid, I have got some starts on the black cherrry tomatoes and the convoluts, am thinking of starting more asparagus, the first are looking good. Your garden at the bottom of the hill is sprouting somethings but too early to see if they are edibles or grass. Bless you for your germanic obsession on dishwashers, THER ARE PROPER WAYS to load that vehicle. By the way Saundra he will get worse. It never became my nemisis until I reached about 60, so just imagine what an early bloomer will be like. YIKES Have a great weekend and enjoy your exta day. Jessica, many congrats to you, upward and onward. Love to all and I hope this one makes it to the light of blog. Judi

Life on the farm

Well Sat was beautiful, as promised, it went downhill from there. I started

spraying,lime sulpher and couldn't keep out of the wind. Twenty trees later

I smelled like abatch of rotten eggs, really bad, went on to pruning, that

worked out very well. Until..... I got the bright of taking the truck down

the slight hill to pick up all the debris. Losded the truck, started up the

rise, aboout 2;30 or there about,two feet up and i am stuck in the

mud.Stopped thoght it over, went to get some composite shingles in the

garage, they worked, for about 2 more ft., got boards, 2 more ft, moved

shingles and boards, got nowwhere. At this point I backed up and tried to

head up between the trees, same scenerio. Then it dawned on me , gravel,

eureka, now to shovel and deliver the gravel,shovel, pack down the hill,

back up to shovel and drag, about 3 times. The end result , it got me about

ten feet, right about then i was bone tired. Finally got smart{5;45 by now}

walked down to the neighbors to ask for a clue. Of course the answer was,

get another truck to pull out and he instantly obliged. I was ready for a

hot bath and stiff drink, the bath was available, the liquer not, seriously

was eying the vanilla. Oh for a day on the farm. Love J