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Happy New Year

Dee you absolutely look like Bopcha. I went up to see her today and noticed that both Bop and Uncle Matt have a tree on their headstones. How perfect is that. I told her a little of what was going on and what a nice day is was and then cried. Went over and had coffee with Judi and watched a movie and recouped a little. A zillion turkeys in the lower field. The dogs and I walked to the creek and back but it was a little chilly and they did not have their coats on so we made it a quick walk.

I decided to watch the video on how to operate my sewing machine and finally figured out how to wind the bobbin and thread the needle. This is a very basic machine so I do not know why it is giving me fits. I am having trouble getting the stitch length correct. One would never know that I used to sew my children's clothing. Crystal has the same machine so maybe I should talk with her. When all else fails, ask the grandkids.

Well everyone we are now in 2011 - what great adventures are in store for us this year? As you all know by now, Roy and Phyllis are going to be grandparents in a few months and are expecting a granddaughter. I think Phyllis really does need to retire now and be a stay at home grandma.

Diana the story of the trials and tribulations of the late arriving bread machine made me chuckle all day long. Anything that should go smooth never does.



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