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Will it ever stop raining. The Blakneys took us out to dinner for an early birthday for Bill and I and then to Judi's for the cake pictured on the blog. We had a nice time.

My poor, poor bike is sitting neglected on my front porch until the rain stops and it appears that may never happen. Dee and Bill are headed back to MI for a birthday get together with their crew.

Took the dogs for a walk up the Chip Ross trail between rain storms and when we got home, I carried a dog under each arm directly into the bathroom to do mud removal. I also was forced to change clothes. That trail is one big mud pit and I probably won't do that trail again until it drys out. Luis is such a big baby that he hates to get his little paws wet and sometimes hopes alone on 3 legs if he gets a paw particularly dirty and when we wade through water, Ramone and I always have to wait until he picks his way carefully through the water. Big baby. However, they are now shampooed and clean until our next outing.

Hope those of you who got snow this year are surviving. My crew has all gone home and Theresa's ship heads back out in a few days for a short trip. Tiff is having company withdrawal. They all enjoyed the farm and now understand why Tiff loves it so much. Duncan was really hoping to bring down a cougar or coyote with the machete but as luck would have it, none of them surfaced. We could already see the headlines "California Boy Killed By Cougar."

Sandra how did your sister's move go?


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