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Okay , as a former Fairbanks, Alaska resident, I can sympathize with the extreme cold and although I walked everywhere in that temperature (no car), I could not do it now. Just to rub a little salt in the wound, the sun was out today and it was nice. A little chilly in the morning but nice in the afternoon.

If I can figure some way to get my bike in the car, I am going over to Judi's tomorrow, we are going for a bike ride. I wanted to get a bike rack for my car but only have two options - one that mounts on top of the car (not an option) or one that attaches to a trailer hitch. I have a feeling putting a trailer hitch on my car might be a bit expensive and the bike rack is $200 plus so guess that option is totally out. So, back to trying to get the bike in the car. At this point, I wish I had a pickup.

Mr. Ramone is scratching at my leg for a pickup so guess I am off the computer.

Stay warm all of you in the cold areas.


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