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Chicken Escapees

The two remaining chickens now live in town but recently they escaped and Max and Judi were attempting to catch them. At the juncture where 3rd street splits and one goes over to First Alternative and the other out to the farm - well on the road going to Philomath, there is an empty lot with lots of blackberry bushes and that's were the 2 chickens headed. Judi and Max caught one and today Judi and I went over and Judi caught the other. But let me tell you Judi was way back in the blackberry bushes trying to coral it. I stood guard at the road like a good sister just in case the chicken decided to come out and head for traffic. Judi was finally able to grab a leg and throw a blanket over its head. I think Missy Hen was glad to be home with her sister and went straight for the chicken feed. The fence is a little more secure.

Do you have a picture of Tory in her jacket. Glad she made it out to spend time. I left a birthday message on both Murray and Tory's phones and hope they got them.


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