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Congratulations to Murray, Tory and Diana. I am really impressed with all of you. Good going.

I got back from CA today. Had a wonderful but fast trip. Met Meredith's husband to be and he gets my stamp of approval. I like him very much.

Meredith's grandmother had passed away and was buried on Friday in Ridgecrest and on Saturday, Joe and Lisa had a wedding shower for Meredith and Jason. About 25 people were present (most of the 25 were my brood). Joe, Steph, Tina, Gina and Al were present along with the cousins and other people. Meredith downloaded a bunch of the pictures taken at the shower and once she posts them, I will tell you where to go to see the shower pictures. Maxx was also present but when it came time to take a picture of all the cousins together he had gone outside and missed being in that particular picture. About 7 of my grandchildren were present (Meredith, Devan, Grant, Alexis, Maxx, Crystal and Christopher). When we get together it is always a lot of fun and gets rather noisy. I did not say that this is a quiet, dignified event.

KC and Tom you will be getting a wedding invitation when they are finally printed. Mere is hoping that all of you that can will attend. Sid, you and Sandra must attend because she is very attached to you guys and will be heartbroken if you don't. Sid and Sandra do you have room to put Judi, me, Steph and Al up the night after the wedding? The wedding is May 21 and I think some of us will be flying in Wednesday or Thursday and spending the night at the hotel in rooms reserved by Joe and then flying out on Sunday or Monday. So, we need a place to lay our heads on Sunday. Joe is thinking about having a brunch on Sunday in New Jersey so that we can all visit because we probably won't get much of a chance at the wedding (not yet firmed up). I think the wedding will be about 5 p.m. and the reception to follow at same location.

Crystal is due in about 3 weeks and is looking very pregnant.

Judi came over to my place and babysat the dogs. They didn't seem too impressed that I was home so she must have done a very good job. The side benefit was that she organized my food cupboard and now I can actually see what I have. That is a bonus.

I have a cold in my head (a present from Ridgecrest) so I am going to bed and huddle under the covers.


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