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Tiffany is at the farm for a couple of days and loving it. I went out this morning and next to the chicken pen were the remains of a wild turkey. What ever took out the turkey (it was almost by the gate and next to the fence) ate all the meat off its body leaving very large feet, a skull and some bones. I think the geese are probably next up because what ever took out the duck and the wild turkey must be pretty big, brave and hungry.

Tiff called me a couple of hours ago and she heard the turkey in the lower field making a lot of noise and were in a tight formation so we think something was probably after them. Where are you hunters when we need you. Is it illegal to shoot coyotes and/or cougars. Maybe it is something even larger - say a bear. Yippee.

The sky is very very black out tonight. I keep waiting for either a tremendous downpouring of rain and/or hail. The moon is supposed to be very large tonight but don't think we will be seeing it.

Theresa's ship is back out. I pulled up some news articles re the U.S. ships involved in the Libya attack and hers doesn't appear to be one of them.

Crystal is really on countdown and the baby should be here in a week or so. First child so I would go with or so.

Hope you are all having a good relaxing weekend.

I am one step away from calling Gil to come take a look at my computer. It is having problems AGAIN.


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